The world cannot live by words. Confucius and plato said the best that mortal man can say; and it had probably been said centuries before their time. From Jefferson to Franklin Roosevelt, with Longfellow, Emerson and his Boston set in between, their words have echoed in America and left us the thinly veneered savages we are. Jesus preached very eloquently that as two blacks do not make a white we had better give up punishment and revenge; but our criminal codes are none the less so barbarous that the most merciful of their implements are the electric chair and the guillotine.

Our Bibles, Korans, Vedas, Talmuds and their like are full of the wisest words; but we print them cheek by jowl with the crudest tribal idolatries; and it is on the idolatries that we act and teach our children, using the rest only to pretend we are civilized.

Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, everywhere; that is what is wrong with us, and defeat our good intentions every time.

What we need is not verbal wisdom; for we are stuffed with it, but knowledge of the world we are livin-in. The uneducated are those who have least to unlearn. When they are all thoroughly schooled our ruin will be complete.

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"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived... Let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail..." --Thoreau

Every so often I feel the urge to thumb through Thoreau's Walden. I do it to make sure that I am keeping my mental feet on the ground in the general confusion that grips the world today.

Of course, there are other reasons for reading Walden, but an occasional does of Henry David Thoreau's ax-like logic as applied to the problem of living is a tonic that helps me no little in these bewildering days. The lines above have always struck me with extra force. They are some of the first I underscored in my now well-worn copy of Thoreau's masterpiece.

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"The road is always better than the inn."--Cervantes

These words by the great Spanish writer, Cervantes, mean a way of living. In my younger days I often aimed too hard to reach some goal, finish some job. "When this is done," I'd say, "I shall find satisfaction and reward."

But later I came to realize that each achievement, like each inn, is only a point along the road. The real goodness of living comes with the journey itself, with the striving and desire to keep moving. Now I find that I can look back on my eighty-four years with pleasure and, what is even more important to me, that I can still look to the future with hope and desire. I have learned to take each inn along the way with a traveler's stride --not as a stopping point, but a starting point for some new and better endeavor.

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Several years ago I had occasion to help a couple of my friends to make contact with Alcoholics Anonymous. In the process I was exposed to the teaching and philosophy of this movement. Though I am not eligible for membership myself, I have since carried in my billfold a little folder entitled "Just for today", which was issued by the local branch of Alcoholics Anonymous. I believe it holds a message for everybody, everywhere, and everyday. My copy is dog-eared and nearly worn out, but here is what these "Words to Live By" say:

Just for today, I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today, I will be happy. This assumes to be ture what Abraham Lincoln said, that "most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes, and fit myself to it.

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You need to support your ideas with facts and figures.

By and large, the pupils are well-behaved.
'By and large' 的意思和 'in general' 相似,表示大體上。
不能用'By and by'

I'm sick and tired of studying grammar!

I never read the instruction manual. I learned how to use the computer by trial and error.

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You really remind me of someone I used to know.

How can you fire me, after I've devoted my life to this company?

The professor said that, despite the growing environmental crisis, there is hope for the future.

Detective Smith specialises in murder cases.

Dr. Hughes made great contributions to the field of microbiology.

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I am so terrible. I keep skipping my classes. 我很糟糕, 常常在蹺課.

Sick and tired of something 可以視之為一個片語, 所以並沒有 sick (生病) 的意思在裏面! 例如販賣機老是吃錢, 你也可以說 I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 還有一句話也很有趣, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是說你對於老是感到厭煩已經感到十分厭煩了, 我想這是很多都市人共同的心聲吧.

That movie was a turn-off.
Turn-off 就是讓你倒胃口的東西, 而 turn-on 則是你非常喜歡的東西. 例如你說 She is a turn-off. 就表示說你對她是一點興趣都沒有. 要是 She is a turn-on, 那就表示你對她蠻有興趣的. 此外, turn-on 跟 turn-off 也可以當成一種個人喜好上的標準, 比如說徵友吧, 你說, 我不想要低於 160 cm 的, 則低於 160 就是你的 turn-off, 也等於 What's not. 如果說我喜歡住在美國的, 那 "住在美國" 就是你的 turn-on. 另也有人說把 turn-on 說成 What's hot. 把 turn off 說成 What's not. 大家可以看情況自行運用.
Turn on 當成動詞的時候也非常普遍, 例如你可以說, The movie totally turns me off. 或是 she turns me off.

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The pilot informed the passengers that the plane was about to land.
I have to admit that I'm terrible at maths.
不能用'tell' 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语。
不能用'warn' 因为 'require' 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语。
不能用'inform' 是及物动词,需要接宾语(名词或代词)。
The bank robber threatened to start shooting unless his demands were met.
When the journalists asked about her new marriage, she insisted that she was very happy.
The police accused him of robbery. 告訴
He denied that he had been involved in any crimes.
I can recite this poem without looking at it. I know it by heart.

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文/吳凱琳 2007年8月 Cheers雜誌


這都得依靠細心而入微的觀察力,談到這裡就不能不提最近聲名大噪的喬‧納瓦羅(Joe Navarro)。


去年年底他出版了《牌桌上的閱人術》(Read'Em and Reap)新書,借重他在擔任探員期間測謊犯罪人士所練就的觀察力,教導玩家如何透過眼神、肢體動作的觀察,看透對方的心思,在牌桌上給予對方致命一擊。

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The movie is terrific!

Terrific 在字典裏查到有「恐怖、可怕」的意思, 可是在美國幾乎沒有人用這個字來當作可怕的意思, 基本上, 它就是「太棒了!」的意思. 這個字的等級大概跟 wonderful 差不多. 例如看完電影後別人問你, "Do you like it?" (你喜歡這部電影嗎?) 你就可以回答說, "Yes. That movie was terrific!" (是的, 這部電影太棒了!) 再舉一個例子, 有一次我去美國著名的 Six Flag 遊樂園 (Amusement Park) 搭乘惡名昭彰的自由落體 (Free Fall). 當我們安全降落後, 後面的老美問他兒子, "What did you think?" (你覺得如何?) 那個小鬼就說了, "Terrific!" (太棒了!)

還有另一個單字 fabulous 不論在意思上和用法上跟 terrific 都十分地接近, 都是用來形容「非常棒的」. 例如你看到你的好友今天氣色極佳, 不妨跟他說聲, "You look terrific today!" 或是 "You look fabulous today!" (你今天看來很棒!)

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2004年7月26日傍晚,美國民主黨全國代表大會在波士頓正式開幕。大會會場所在地——波士頓富裏特中心一直是NBA老牌勁旅波士頓凱爾特人隊的主場,現在成為了歡樂的海洋,成為了全美民主黨人2004年總統大選的誓師會場,4353名民主黨政要會聚一堂,正式提名克裏和愛德華茲為民主黨總統和副總統候選人,發動“倒布”總攻。當晚最精彩的一幕,是前總統克林頓和夫人希拉蕊的壓軸演講。 克林頓眼光銳利、思維流暢,演講內容環環相扣、一氣呵成,,許多人被深深打動,克林頓的此次登臺,真的是讓人從心眼裏覺得,他天生就是一個“政治人物”。

Bill Clinton's address
at 2004 Democratic National Convention

President Bill Clinton:

Thank you. I am honored to share the podium with my Senator, though I think I should be introducing her. I’m proud of her and so grateful to the people of New York that the best public servant in our family is still on the job and grateful to all of you, especially my friends from Arkansas, for the chance you gave us to serve our country in the White House.

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Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

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Published: September 20, 2007 NY.TIMES
WE filled the church and the house with her favorite fall flowers: sunflowers in many shades of gold, pale yellow, orange, red and burgundy; zinnias in bright yellow, orange, deep red, salmon-pink, white and pale green.

We sang “For the Beauty of the Earth” and read “The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry. Part of the poem reads:

When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

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